Your Comprehensive Guide to Out-of-State Investing in 柯林斯堡

Your Comprehensive Guide to Out-of-State Investing in 柯林斯堡

Real estate investors enjoy the 好处 of diversified portfolios, 升值, 被动收入, 在其他福利中. 但是,如果你目前没有居住在房地产投资的最佳市场之一呢? 好消息是,在你的投资生涯真正开始之前,州界线并不一定会结束你的投资生涯.

If you’re not 感兴趣ed in investing in your local real estate market, an out-of-state locale might offer lower prices, 更高的需求, or otherwise better fit the bill. 换句话说, 现代房地产投资者不再局限于他们的直接地理区域,可以在州外购买投资房产.


尽管投资者选择投资房地产的原因数不胜数, particularly out-of-state, 一些主要的 好处 包括:

  • 被动收入. 投资房地产可以带来收入,你的工作很少, through both monthly rental income 和 home 升值. 

  • 多样化. 分散你的投资可以将风险降到最低,增加利润,减少波动. 这包括使你的投资组合多样化(股票、出租物业等).) as well as your real estate markets.

  • 升值. Real estate values 和 rent rates historically rise year-over-year. 

  • 税收优惠. 符合条件的房地产投资者可以利用各种税收减免.

  • 增加的选择. 有了合适的团队, 你可以探索, 评估, 在全国不同的市场购买投资性房产.


Buying rental property out-of-state isn’t always a cakewalk. 你需要对你作为州外投资者可能面临的独特挑战有一个全面的了解. 这些包括:

  • 亚洲博彩平台排名. 你可能不会在身边管理你的租赁房产的日常运营. You’ll need to find someone you can trust, 像Evernest, to ensure your investment stays in tip-top shape. 

  • 租户. Some markets offer more highly-qualified renters than others. Because profit relies largely on finding the right residents, you’ll also want to ensure there’s plenty of dem和.

  • Local rules 和 regulations. 当涉及到房地产投资时,每个州都有自己的一套法律、习俗和规范. 你需要对每个投资市场的规则和规定有透彻的了解, or work closely with a local expert.

  • 风险. 投资房地产总是有一定程度的风险,无论是在州外还是其他地方.

Like any investment, you may encounter a few road bumps. 幸运的是, 提前做一点调查和自我反省可以帮助你有信心进行州外房地产投资.

建议听: Getting Started in Out-of-State Investing

Choose the Right Market

Location, location, location! 当谈到州外房地产投资时,找到合适的市场至关重要. 

理想的市场取决于每个投资者的目标和偏好. 为州外投资者做一些关于当前和新兴市场的研究, then consider factors like:

  • 你的预算

  • 房价与租金之间的比例。

  • 供求关系

  • 房屋租赁法律

  • 社区类

  • Applicable fees 和 taxes

  • State of the local economy

  • Crime rates 和 other public statistics

你所选择的市场应该与你的目标和购买盒子保持一致,并且可能与标准不同. If you would like to talk through potential markets with an expert, 我们可以帮忙.


Return on investment (ROI) plays a critical role in any investment. Before you purchase a property, you’ll want to develop some insight on potential ROI.

要做到这一点,从总预期收益中减去投资成本. This figure is considered the net profit. 将净利除以原始成本,就可以确定房产的投资回报率.

Keep in mind that this figure doesn’t factor in applicable fees, 感兴趣, 或者维护成本, 和 that it’s only a projection. 与专家交谈可以进一步明确你期望从特定投资中获得的收益.

Networking Out of State

In real estate, it’s not what you know, it’s who you know. Networking from another state can be a challenge, but speaking with local experts 可以帮助 set you up for success.

To connect with other investors in your market of choice, consider online forums, virtual or in-person networking events, 和良好的, 旧的社交媒体. Real estate investing is a highly social industry, 和 many people are more than willing to share their successes, 失败, 和建议. All you need to do is ask!

Choose a Realtor 和 亚洲博彩平台排名 公司

Once you’ve done some networking, it’s time to decide on partners. When your investment property isn’t down the street or across town, assembling the right team becomes the name of the game. 你的房地产经纪人和物业经理在你的州外租赁物业的成功中起着很大的作用.

你需要咨询当地的代理商,他们可以提供具体的市场知识, expert communication skills, 和, 潜在的, 即使是场外交易. 在理想的情况下, 此人将在经纪投资交易和州外客户组合方面拥有丰富的经验.

同样,你的物业经理将是你的耳目. Their job is to regularly inspect your property, interact with your residents, 并向你汇报. You want a property manager with high st和ards, extensive experience in single- or multi-family investment properties, 和明确的, 频繁的沟通.

If you’re 感兴趣ed in an all-in-one solution, 我们可以帮忙! Evernest provides a local team of real estate professionals, from agents to property managers, in investment markets across the country. We 可以帮助 clarify your buy box, find potential properties, make offers on your behalf, get property management in place, 和 place highly-qualified residents, 当你坐着的时候, 放松, 和 profit from a successful rental portfolio.


Unless you’re a cash buyer, 在购买州外投资房产时,你需要考虑融资问题. 像任何房地产交易一样,获得预先批准可以简化流程. Research applicable lenders, consider asking an expert for advice, 和贷款人一起确定你的贷款额度. 在开始正式搜索之前完成预审批流程可以帮助您明确购买框, 指导你的策略, 和 make your offers more competitive


Successful real estate investors live 和 die by property inspections. This step provides priceless information on the home in question, 一旦你发现了一个属性,就不应该低估或忽略它.

If you’re buying an out-of-state rental property, odds are you don’t want to be intimately involved in the day-to-day. 如果你收到一个负面或伪劣的检查,并决定继续前进,没有任何调整, you’re asking for trouble. Not only could you spend valuable time, 能源, 和 resources fixing issues down the line, 对于居民来说,这可能是一个不愉快甚至危险的地方.

In addition to a professional property inspection, great property managers (like ours) perform regular, thorough inspections to keep your property in tip-top shape. 大量的笔记, 照片, 而且及时的维修都有助于确保居民和投资者都保持满意.


州外房地产投资是利用柯林斯堡等热门市场的理想方式, tap into favorable price-to-rent ratios, 和 overall grow your real estate investment portfolio. While the process may initially seem daunting, taking it one step at a time or partnering with an all-in-one solution, 像Evernest, 可以帮助.


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